The Roadmap Initiative to Good Lay Summary Practice

Over 60 participants from EU and US pharmaceutical companies, CROs, academic institutions, patient organisations, and not-for-profit organisations have formed the “Roadmap Initiative to Good Lay Summary Practice” with the aim to develop and implement a pragmatic, broadly accepted framework for Lay Summary planning, development, translation, and dissemination.

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[Article] from March EMWA Vol.
Lay titles for clinical trials: Is industry achieving the balance?
by AMWA Journal | March 2023

[Interview] The Making of GLSP
Interview of Dr. Klingmann by the AMWA Journal - PDF Document
by AMWA Journal | 13 June 2022

[Workshop Report] Implementing Good Lay Summary Practice
Date: 14, 15 & 21 Febryary 2022 | Workshop Report Available
by GLSP Core Team | 21 April 2022